Annual 2017 Road Safety Report shows improvements for Canada
The International Transport Forum studied the change in roadway fatalities among 30-member countries from 2010 to 2016. Canada had the second-best year on record as it relates to roadway fatalities, which netted as a 0.3% increase
over the previous year.
Canada’s population grew rapidly from 2005-2015, which increased the number of licensed drivers, registered vehicles and kilometers travelled. Initiatives that assisted the reduction of road-related fatalities includes improved national and local safety strategies paired with improved vehicle safety features and equipment.
Looking at the types of roads and the annual fatalities, Canada has experience major improvements since the 90’s. Rural roads are still the most treacherous, but have decreased by 50% since that time.
Source: Roadway Safety Report
Brendan Phillips, President and CEO, Smart Carpets
New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania